Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NEW YEAR'S EVE: 2 Makeup Looks using Sleek Vintage Romance Palette

Hello babes,

First of all I want to wish you a Happy New Yearrrrrrrr and may all your wishes come true!! For this special ocassion I wanted to show you two different makeup looks using a very affordable palette from Sleek. The first makeup look is focused on the eyeshadows, which are pretty dramatic, and the second one is focused on the false lashes and dark lips. Here we go:

Buna fetelorrrr,

In primul rand vreau sa va urez un an nou fericit si sa aveti parte de tot ce va doriti in 2014!! Pentru aceasta ocazie speciala am vrut sa va ofer doua optiuni de machiaj al ochilor, folosind o singura paleta de la Sleek. Primul machiaj este cu accent pe farduri mai inchise la culoare, iar pentru al doilea am pus accent pe gene false si pe ruj.

1. Gold & Purple Smokey Eyes

Firstly I lined the lower and the upper rims of my eyes with a black eye liner. Then I applied a reddish-brown shadow in the crease to have a guideline and to know where to stop with applying the darker colors. I applied the colors on my lid as you can see in the second picture and I blended them with a clean fluffy brush. Lastly, I lined my eyes with a black liquid liner and I applied the dark purple on my lower lid. And that's pretty much all I did. For lips I used a pale pink because I wanted my eyes to stand out. 

Pentru inceput am folosit un creion negru pe linia apei. Apoi am aplicat un fard caramiziu in pliul ochiuli. Pe pleoapa am asezat fardurile asa cum puteti vedea din a doua poza. Am amestecat foarte bine culorile folosind o pensula curata. In final am aplicat un tus negru, iar pe ploapa inferioara am folosit fardul inchis la culoare. Si cam atat pentru primul machiaj. Buzele le-am pastrat mai naturale, am folosit un roz pal.


This makeup look is even more easy to achieve. I applied a very light grey shadow on the inner half part of my lid and on the outer half I applied the darker grey shade. I blended everything together with the brown color. I applied a pair of false lashes from Red Cherry which are very easy to apply and they look quite natural, therefore I didn't have to apply a liquid eye-liner on top to hide the eyelash band. I looove them. On my lips I used my Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss in 107. 

Acest machiaj este chiar mai simplu de realizat. Am folosit un gri foarte deschis in jumatatea interioara a pleoapei iar in partea exterioara am folosit un gri foarte inchis. Am amestecat cele doua culori folosind maro-ul din paleta. Am plicat o pereche de gene false Red Cherry care sunt foarte usor de aplicat si arata destul de natural asa ca nu am fost nevoita sa aplic tus pentru a ascunde banda genelor. Le adooooor. Pe buze am folosit rujul Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss in nr. 107.

That's all, I hope you liked my makeup looks and I'll see you next yearrrr :D

Acestea sunt propunerile mele pentru machiajul de Revelion. Sper ca v-a placut si ne vedem la anullllll :D


  1. Gorgeous! I especially love the gold and purple eye look. Looks like something I'll definitely have to try.


    1. I'm very glad you like ittt <3 Happy New Year :*
