Sunday, December 8, 2013

BEAUTY FAVORITES: Fall and Winter edition

Hello loves,

I thought that it would be fun to show you which are my favorite products for the cold seasons. I hope you'll like it and feel free to leave me a comment with your favorite products for fall and winter, I would love to hear back from you. Kisses

M-am gandit sa va arat care sunt produsele mele favorite pentru anotimpurile reci. Sper sa va placa si sper sa imi lasati comentarii in care sa imi spuneti care sunt produsele voastre preferate, mi-ar placea foarte mult sa stiu ce produse folositi voi. V-am pupat.

Foundation / Fond de ten

My Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation is my holy grail but in the last couple of months I used the Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation and I do like it very much.

Desi fondul de ten Healthy Mix de la Bourjois este preferatul meu din toate timpurile, in ultimele luni l-am folosit pe cel Wake me up de la Rimmel si imi place foarte mult.

Powder / Pudra

I don’t use powder on a regular basis but when I do want to have a matte face I reach out to my Elf Pressed Powder (Buff), it’s very light-weight and it doesn't have that porcelain, fake finish.

De obicei nu folosesc pudra dar atunci cand vreau o fata mata imi place sa folosesc pudra de la Elf in nuanta Buff pentru ca este foarte usoara si nu imi incarca deloc tenul.

Primer/ Baza de machiaj

I don’t use a face primer because I don’t feel like a need it, but when it comes to eye-primer, this whole year I used the Essence I love stage eyeshadow base. LOOOOVE IT.

Nu folosesc un primer pentru fata pentru ca nu mi se pare ca as avea nevoie, dar cand vine vorba de primer pentru ochi, preferatul meu este I love stage de la Essence.


I am not much of a blush fan. I usually use the Essence Silky Touch blush.

Nu folosesc foarte des blush. Imi place totusi blush-ul Silky Touch de la Essence.


ELF Warm Bronzer (Warm), you can see from the photo how much I loved it.

ELF Warm Bronzer (Warm). Puteti vedea din poza cat de mult imi place acest produs.


Rimmel Wake me up Concelear is my fav one, you can see what I think about it here:

Highlight / Iluminator

Sleek Face Contour Kit (Light)

Moisturizer / Crema de fata

Nivea Crème moisturizer is very good for the cold seasons because it’s very thick and moisturizing. I like to apply it at night so that my skin has time to absorb it and it works perfectly.

Crema de la Nivea este foarte buna pentru anotimpurile reci pentru ca este foarte hranitoare. Imi place sa o aplic seara, inainte de culcare, iar a doua zi pielea mea arata foarte bine.

Lipgloss/ Luciu de buze

I recently got addicted to NYX’s Soft Matte Lip Cream in Antwerp. They really are as good as they say.

In ultimul timp am devenit dependenta de Lip Cream-urile de la NYX, al meu este in nuanta Antwerp si intradevar sunt extrem de bune. De abia astept sa incerc si alte nuante <3

Lipstick / Ruj

Beauty UK Lipstick in Vampire, a blue-toned red lipstick perfect for any occasion.

Eye shadow Quad / Paleta de farduri

It’s really hard for me to choose one favorite quad because I like all the eye shadow palettes from Sleek. But if I have to pick one it will be the Oh So Special quad, based on the fact that I’ve hit pan on almost all the colors from it.

Este destul de greu sa aleg o singura paleta pentru ca imi plac toate de la Sleek, sunt foarte calitative. Totusi o aleg pe cea Oh So Special pentru ca am folosit-o cel mai mult, dupa cum se poate observa mai am foarte putin din farduri.

Mascara/ Rimel

Nail Polish / Oja

Maybelline Colorama (No 15), you can never go wrong with a red nail polish.

Perfume / Parfum

For autumn and winter I like Chanel No 19, it’s a very strange-smelling perfume, you either love it or hate it. I hate it for summer, but for the cold weather it’s very nice.

Pentru toamna si iarna imi place Chanel No 19, este un parfum pe care ori il iubesti ori il urasti, are un miros foarte aparte. De exemplu, pentru vara nu imi place deloc acest parfum, dar pentru toamna si iarna mi se pare foarte potrivit.

Favorite Makeup Brand / Marca de machiaj preferata

I must say that I am impressed with Rimmel London’s high-quality products. I love their mascara, foundation, concealer and I heard great things about their lipsticks too, especially the Kate Moss line, I really think that Rimmel stepped up their game this year. Congrats to them. In terms of eye shadows, my all time favorite is Sleek.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca anul acesta am fost foarte imprestionata de Rimmel London si de calitatea produselor lor. Imi place foarte mult rimelul lor, dar si fondul de ten si anticearcanul. De asemenea, am auzit lucruri foarte frumoase despre rujurile lor, mai ales cele din gama Kate Moss. Felicitari celor de la Rimmel pentru un an foarte productiv. In materie de farduri de ochi, preferatele mele sunt cele de la Sleek.


  1. Love Chanel !! they NYX lipgloss looks so pretty ! i will check it out at target :) xx

    1. Happy to hear you like ittttttt <3 And you'll see you will love the NYX stuff too, it smells like candyyyyy and it's super pigmented. :x
