Friday, December 20, 2013


Hello girls,

Today I’m back with a new product review and this time I decided to try out the Rimmel Kate Moss Lipsticks because, as I said before, I heard great things about them. Also, I’ve been obsessed with lip products lately I don’t know what’s wrong with me, last month I was obsessing over foundations, this month over lipsticks. I really wanted a perfect nude and a deep, wine color lipstick. Now I want a plum and a lilac one... Story of my lifeeeeee! I ended up picking three lipsticks from the Lasting Finish by Kate Moss collection, a regular one and two mattes.

Astazi m-am intors cu un nou review iar de aceasta data am decis sa incerc rujurile Rimmel Kate Moss pentru ca, asa cum am spus si alta data, am auzit lucruri foarte bune despre ele. Pe langa asta, in ultima luna am fost obsedata de rujuri, mi le-as cumpara pe toate :)) Luna trecuta eram innebunita dupa fonduri de ten, luna aceasta dupa rujuri… Chiar imi doream un ruj nude si unul visiniu. Intr-un final am cumparat trei rujuri din gama Lasting Finish by Kate Moss, unul normal si doua mate. Daca doriti sa cumparati oricare din aceste rujuri sau altele, am gasit promotii foarte bune pe acest site: .De aici mi-am cumparat mai multe produse, mi se pare un site foarte bun. De asemenea, am vazut ca si prin DM sunt promotii la acest rujuri, cam la acelasi pret de pe site.

Now, let’s see how they look like and which colors I picked up. I will also show you how long lasting these lipsticks are:

Acum sa vedem cum arata, ce culori mi-am ales eu si cat de rezistente sunt:

I. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss MATTE Lipstick 

 I have to mention that after 3 hours I had lunch,that's probably why the lipstick started to wear off. Also, throughout these hours I drank coffee & water. 

Trebuie sa mentionez ca dupa 3 ore am mancat de pranz, de aceea rujul s-a luat putin. De asemenea, pe parcursul acestor ore am baut cafea si apa.

II. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss MATTE Lipstick 

I absolutely loveeeeeeeee this color, it's gorgeoussssssss, exactly what I wanted!!!

Pur si simplu ador aceasta culoare, este exact ce mi-am dorit!!!!

This time I couldn't show you step-by-step how the lipstick looked like because I went out to dinner but when I got home I was very pleased with how it stained my lips, they weren't dry and I still liked them, although the lipstick wasn't as vibrant as before.

De aceasta data nu am mai putut sa va arat din ora in ora cum  arata rujul pentru ca am iesit in oras, dar cand m-am intors acasa am fost foarte multumita cu felul in care aratau buzele mele, nu le simteam uscate si rujul, desi nu mai era la fel de pigmentat ca la inceput, tot se mai putea vedea pe buze.

III. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss Lipstick 

I love this color and, unlike the other two lipsticks, this one has a very nice smell. I wish the other ones had it too. I didn't do the 'lasting-experiment' with this lipstick because you can't really tell from the photos how well a nude lipstick lasts on the lips, that's why I chose to make the experiment with the darker colors. Nonetheless, this lipstick is pretty long-lasting too, maybe not like the matte ones, but for 3 to 4 hours I don't have any problems with it.

Imi place foarte mult aceasta culoare si, spre deosebire de celelalte doua rujuri, acesta are un miros foarte placut care persista foarte mult. Mi-ar fi placut ca si celelalte sa miroasa la fel de bine. Nu am facut experiment cu acest ruj pentru ca nu se vede foarte bine in poze cat de bine rezista un ruj nude, de aceea am preferat sa va arat cum se comporta celelalte rujuri mai inchise la culoare. Totusi, si acesta este destul de rezistent, poate nu la fel ca celelate, dar 3-4 ore nu am probleme cu el.

Conclusions/ Concluzii

Pro's/ Aspecte pozitive

- amazing pigmentation / -pigmentare incredibila

- long lasting but withoug drying too much your lips / -sunt foarte rezistente fara a usca foarte tare buzele

- cute packaging / -ambalaj dragut

- great quality / -calitate excelenta

- extremely low price for their quality / -pret extrem de mic pentru calitatea lor (am dat in jur de 12 lei pe cele mate si 17 lei pe cel normal)

- smooth application, they glide on very well / -aplicarea lor este foarte usoara

- great smell (the one in the black tube) / -miros placut (doar pentru cel din tubuletul negru)

- when they start to wear off they don't become flaky, they stain your lips / -cand incep sa se ia de pe buze nu se vede urat, buzele raman patate cu o culoare uniforma.


- the smell of chemicals (only with the matte ones)- I personaly don't mind it but some people might. 

-mirosul de chimicale (doar pentru cele mate)- pe mine nu ma deranjeaza acest aspect dar stiu ca sunt persoane care nu suporta acest miros.


  1. I nominated you for liebster award
    check this here

    1. thank youuu sweetieeeeeee <3 I will not break the chain for sure :))
