Friday, December 6, 2013

REVIEW: Rimmel Lash Accelerator Mascara

Hello loves, 

Today I'm back with a new review on a product I've been wanting for quite some time, the Lash Accelerator Mascara from Rimmel. This mascara is one of the most expensive ones from Rimmel but I found it on a site for almost half the price so I couldn't resist the temptation. I also found it on but I read mixed reviews about that site so I didn't want to risk it. By the way, if you are familiar with please let me know what you think about it. 

Astazi m-am intors cu un nou review al unui produs pe care mi l-am dorit de ceva timp, rimelul Lash Accelerator de la Rimmel. Acest rimel este unul dintre cele mai scumpe de la Rimmel London dar l-am gasit pe acest site la aproape jumatate de pret, asa ca nu am putut sa rezist tentatiei. L-am vazut si pe dar am citit comentarii negative in legatura cu acest site asa ca nu am vrut sa risc. Apropo, daca ati comandat vreodata de pe sau ati auzit ceva despre el va rog sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti despre el.

Enough with my rambling, let's move on to the actual review. As I said before, I have the worst eyelashes and I want something to make them more voluminous. I also want something that won't transfer on my lids because I hate it when my mascara smudges all over my eyeshadows and when I try to remove it, it also removes my shadows #angryyyy. 

Sa trecem la review. Asa cum am mai spus, am niste gene foarte urate si imi doresc ca rimelul sa le faca mai voluminoase. De asemena, rimelul meu ideal ar trebui sa reziste la transfer si sa nu mi se intinda pe pleoape pentru ca urascccccc cand mi se intinde mascara peste fardul de ochi si cand incerc sa o sterg se ia cu tot cu fard.

As you can see from the photo this mascara has quite a small brush which is very convenient especially for the lower lashes. I believe this mascara to be veryyyyy good, it separates my lashes very well with only one coat, they are more voluminous and curled, even if I don't use an eyelash curler. I usually use 2 to 3 coats because, as I said, my eyelashes are really crappy, but if you have nice lashes you will be good to go with just one coat. Apart from the fact that I like the effect of this mascara, I absolutely love the fact that it is very long-lasting, I mean reallyyyyy long-lasting. And it's not like other mascaras which last a long time but when you want to remove it you need to use a very good makeup-remover or a waterproof makeup-remover.
This mascara doesn't smudge even after three days of not removing it. I did an experiment with it in the weekend, I wore it for three straight days and it looked exactly the same all the time. It's a very bad thing to do but this comes to show how good it is in terms of its longevity.

Cum puteti vedea din poza, periuta acestui rimel este destul de subtire si micuta, ceea ce este foarte convenabil, mai ales pentru genele inferioare. Aceasta mascara mi se pare foarteeeee bunaaa, separa si ofera volum genelor cu un singur strat, ajuta si la curbarea lor chiar daca nu folosesc un intorcator de gene. De obicei ma dau cu acest rimel in 2-3 straturi pentru ca v-am spus ca genele mele sunt aproape inexistente, dar daca voi aveti gene frumoase, un singur strat este de ajuns. Pe langa faptul ca imi place efectul oferit de acest rimel, sunt absolut indragostita de rezistenta lui pe gene. Este extrem de rezistent, nu am intalnit pana acum un rimel care sa arate impecabil chiar si dupa 3 zile in care nu mi-am demachiat ochii. Am facut un experiment in weekend, am purtat acest rimel pentru 3 zile si am observat ca genele mele au aratat la fel pe tot parcursul weekend-ului. Stiu ca nu este bine sa fac asa ceva dar am vrut sa vad cat de rezistent este acest rimel si am ramas foarte impresionata.

All in all, I absolutely love this mascara and I will definitely buy it again because it's one of my favvvvvvvvvvs! 

In concluzie, iubesc la nebunie acest rimel si cu siguranta il voi recumpara pentru ca este unul din favoritele mele!

I used this mascara in these photos too:

Am folosit acest rimel si in aceste poze:

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