Tuesday, December 10, 2013

HOW TO: Contour & Highlight

Hi girls

Today I want to show you how I add definition to my face by highlighting and contouring my complexion. I don't use this technique daily but I when I have time I like to contour and highlight in this manner because I think it makes a huge difference. And it's also pretty easy, you need two shades of foundation (one that matches your skintone and one which is two-three shades darker- here's a use for that summer foundation which is way darker now, when your tan has faded away). If you want a more defined look, you will need a highlighting and bronzing powder to add even more definition.

Astazi vreau sa va arat cum imi conturez si imi iluminez fata. Nu folosesc aceasta tehnica zilnic dar cand am timp imi place sa urmez acesti pasi pentru ca mi se pare ca arata foarte bine si se vede o diferenta destul de mare. Este destul de simplu, aveti nevoie de doua nuante de fond de ten ( una care se potriveste nuantei tenului vostru si una mai inchisa la culoare- cu aceasta ocazie puteti folosi fondul de ten din vara pe care nu il mai puteti aplica pe toata fata pentru ca este prea inchis). Daca doriti sa aveti si mai multa definire, mai aveti nevoie de o pudra iluminatoare si un bronzer.

This is how my bare face looks like:
Asa arata fata mea fara fond de ten:

And this is my creppy face :))
I apply the lighter foundation in the center, and the darker one on the sides of my forehead, the sides of my nose, my cheekbones and my jawline.

Si aceasta este fata mea de sperietoare :))
Am aplicat fondul de ten mai deschis pe centrul fetei, iar cel inchis pe tample, pe lateralele nasului, pe obraji si pe linia maxilarului.

I used these foundations:

Am folosit aceste fonduri de ten:
Revlon Colorstay (Buff) & Yves Rocher Flawless Finish Fluid Foundation (Beige 400)

I use two foundation brushes to blend each foundation out so that they don't mix too much and you end up with one color all over your face because that's not the point here.

Am folosit doua pensule de fond de ten pentru a-mi intinde produsul pe fata pentru ca daca as fi folosit doar o pensula as fi sfarsit prin a amesteca prea mult culorile intre ele si nu s-ar mai fi vazut diferenta de nuanta intre ele.

If you want, you can apply a translucent powder all over your face to set the foundations but I don't really need it, especially because the Revlon Colorstay foundation has a very matte finish. But if you have oily skin you might need to set everything with a powder.
To add some extra-definition I added a highlighter (1) and a bronzer (2).

Daca doriti, puteti aplica o pudra translucida pe toata fata daca aveti tenul mai gras, dar eu nu am nevoie, mai ales ca fondul de ten de la Revlon este foarte mat.
Pentru mai multa definire am folosit un iluminator (1) si un bronzer (2).

And this is the final result:

Iar acesta este rezultatul final: 

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