Friday, January 3, 2014

Brown Smokey Eyes & Red Lips

Hi girls,

I want to show you a makeup look I've been obsessing over for the past month. I think it complements all eye colors and it's very festive. I wore this makeup several times which I don't normally do because I get bored of wearing the same shadows. I usually like to experiment but this New Year's Eve,for example, my experimenting was not very successful because I had to remove my eye-makeup three times. I tried a purple look, a grey look and then I did something with some blue shades but it seemed that all the shadows hated me that day, they all made me look like a had a black-eye. In the end I decided to do this neutral makeup because I knew I couldn't go wrong with it.
That's my sad story :)) Enough with complaininggggg and rambling and let me show you the actual makeup look and how to create it.

Buna fetelor,

Vreau sa va arat un machiaj care a devenit un fel de obsesie pentru mine in ultimul timp. Mi se pare ca este potrivit pentru oricare culoare a ochilor. Am purtat machiajul acesta de mai multe ori ceea ce nu fac de obicei pentru ca imi place sa experimentez cu diferite nuante si stiluri de machiaj. Experimentele mele au cam esuat cu ocazia acestui Revelion pentru a trebuit sa ma demachiez de vreo 3 ori. Am incercat un machiaj in nuante de mov, apoi am incercat cu gri si cu albastru dar fardurile mele se pare ca m-au urat in acea seara, toate aratau oribil. In cele din urma am zis sa nu mai imi pun nervii la incercare si am realizat acest machiaj pentru ca stiam ca nu aveam cum sa dau gres cu el.

Cam aceasta este povestea mea cu fardurile malefice :)) Sa trecem totusi la machiajul despre care am tot vorbit si sa va arat cum l-am realizat.

First of all we have to prime or lids for the eyeshadows to have a base to adhere to and to be more vibrant. Then I applied a brown shade in the crease which makes the blending much easier. In the outter V I applied a black shadow which I blended very well with the brown shade. This process is easier if you use scotch tape as I showed you here because you will have a clean, sharp edge. In the center of my lids I applied a bronze color and I highlighted the inner corner and the brow bone with a very light shade. I didn't feel like using a liquid eye liner so I used the black shadow as a liner, I just wet a small-angled brush with some water and I dipped it in the black shadow, which makes the color very creamy and pigmented. I applied the same black shadow on my lower lid and the makeup is all done!

In primul rand am folosit un primer pentru ca fardurile sa reziste mai mult timp si sa fie mai vibrante. Apoi am aplicat un fard maro in pliul ochiului pentru ca procesul de blending sa fie mai usor. Dupa aceea am folosit un fard negru in exterioriul ochiului, dupa care am amestecat foarte bine negrul cu fardul maro. Acest proces este mai usor daca folositi scotch asa cum v-am aratat aici In centrul pleoapei am folosit un fard maro mai deschis, iar in coltul intern si pe arcada am aplicat un fard alb pentru a oferi luminozitate machiajului. Nu am vrut sa folosesc un tus negru asa ca am folosit acelasi fard negru pe care l-am folosit mai devreme. Am udat o pensula mica cu putina apa si am luat putin fard negru pe care l-am aplicat pe linia genelor si pe pleoapa inferioara. Machiajul ochilor este gata! 

As I told you, for New Year's Eve I wore the same makeup but I did some minor changes. I lined my eyes with a liquid liner because I wanted a cat-eye look and I applied some falsies. This was my makeup for New Year's Eve: 

Asa cum v-am spus, pentru noaptea de Revelion am purtat acelasi machiaj, am facut doar cateva schimbari minore. Am folosit un tus negru pentru a-mi contura ochii si am aplicat gene false. Acesta a fost machiajul meu pentru petrecerea de Revelion:


  1. This is a really pretty look. I love using neutral colors so its always nice to see different ways to use the colors. I really like the lipstick color in the last picture.
