Tuesday, December 24, 2013

LIEBSTER AWARD (questions & answers)

Hello loves,

I've been nominateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed !!!! I was so excited when I received a comment from http://rolessummerfling.blogspot.ro saying that she nominated me for Liebster Award. Thank you very much Karolina, I am veryyy happy that you like my blog. 

This award is for newbie bloggers (under 200 followers) who have great potential. The rules are very simple:

  1. You have to say who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. You have to name 11 bloggers you like and create 11 questions for them.
Here are Karolina's questions and my answers:

1)How you imagine your blog after three years?
2)Why did you start this blog?
3)Who is your favorite blogger?
4)Five things you would take to deserted island.
5)Your must have beauty and fashion items.
6)Your dream job.
7)If you could visit anywhere in he world,where would it be?
8)What is your biggest fear?
9)What is your biggest dream?
10)What are your New Year resolutions?
11)What would you wish for other bloggers?

  1. I hope that I will manage to expand the number of my viewers and that I will catch your guys’ attention with interesting posts.
  2. Well, first of all my love for makeup and the fact that I wanted to do something about it made me do it. I’ve been obsessed with reading beauty blogs and subscribing to youtube beauty channels and since I loved it so much I thought that maybe I could give it a try. It was very hard for me because I am a pretty shy person and I didn’t know how to start it, I postponed my first blog post as long as I could but finally I did it. And I’m very gladddddd.
  3. My favorite blogger has to be Kandee Johnson. She always cheers me up with her personality.
  4. Well, clothes I guess, books to entertain myself, coffeeeeeeeee, some makeup and my phone which I will charge with good intentions :))
  5. In terms of beauty I would pick a very good foundation. Fashion wise I like big accessories.
  6. Makeup Artist for sure.
  7. America, any part of it.
  8. Ghosts, man!!!!
  9. I don’t know, I guess my biggest dream is happiness.
  10.  I want to be more self-confident, I want to get a job & maybe moving to a different city. I want to make some changes in my life.
  11. Lots of followerssss. 
I tag these blogs for Liebster Award:


My questions for you:

1. When did you start your blog?
2. What country are you from? 
3. Name one makeup product which instantly makes you feel glamorous.
4. Mascara or eyeliner?
5. On what makeup product you splurge the most?
6. Which is your favorite makeup brand?
7. Define your personality in three words.
8. Who is your favorite actor?
9. Do you like to read books? If so, name three books you liked the most.
10. Who is your favorite youtube beauty guru?
11. Your favorite song of the moment?

That's all, please don't stop the chain gurls. Love youuu and I'll talk to you soon!