Sunday, October 6, 2013

FIRST IMPRESSION: Maybelline Mega Plush Volum' Express Mascara

Hello loves!

I recently got my hands on the Mega Plush Mascara from Maybelline because I was in a severe need for a new mascara and I wanted to try something new. 

Mi-am cumparat zilele trecute rimelul Mega Plush de la Maybelline pentru ca aveam nevoie de un nou rimel si vroiam sa incerc ceva nou.

I read mixed reviews about it so I decided to try it out and see if it works. I have to say from the beginning that I have the worst eyelashes, they are small, sparse, straight like a highway and other delightful 'qualities' of such kind and I also have to say that I like very big, voluminous, even a little clumpy eyelashes, anything that can make my lashes look thicker. I don't care that much for very, very long lashes but it sure is a great bonus if a mascara lengthens my eyelashes as well as making them more voluminous!

Citisem diferite pareri despre acest rimel si majoritatea erau negative, asa ca am decis sa il incerc sa vad daca imi place sau nu. Era si la oferta, am dat 30 de lei pe el la Douglas. Trebuie sa precizez ca am fost inzestrata cu gene oribile, sunt micute, rare, drepte etc. si imi plac genele voluminoase, mari, chiar un pic incarcate, orice le face mai vizibile si mai dese.

So, all this being said, a few days ago I tried the Mega Plush. The first thing I noticed was the flexible-brush which is neither a good nor a bad characteristic for me, I don't see a difference between a flexible and a rigid brush. The bristles of the brush are very thick and long, the brush is very well designed, I like it very much. Now let's move on to applying theory in practice. I ended up coating my lashes three times because I like them to be very dramatic. I did not use an eyelash-curler in order to see if this mascara manages to work by itself, although I normally use a curler because my lashes are pretty straight and pointy.

Toate acestea fiind spuse, acum cateva zile am incercat rimelul de la Maybelline. Primul lucru pe care l-am observat a fost periuta flexibila, care nu este pentru mine nici un lucru pozitiv, nici negativ. Pur si simplu nu observ nicio diferenta intre ele. Periuta in sine imi place foarte tare, este foarte bine gandita. Sa trecem acum la aplicarea teoriei in practica. M-am dat cu acest rimel de trei ori pentru ca imi plac genele mai dramatice. Nu am folosit un intorcator de gene pentru ca am vrut sa vad cum se descurca acest rimel de unul singur, desi de obicei folosesc intorcatorul pentru ca v-am spus ca genele mele sunt destul de drepte.

Here are my lashes without any product on them.

Asa arata genele mele fara rimel.

With one coat. 

Cu un strat.

With two coats. 

ADVICE: I am very clumsy when applying mascara but the key is to let the mascara dry and afterwards take a dry cotton swab and erase any mistakes. If you do this immediately, when the mascara is still wet, you will see that it will smudge it even worse. 

Cu doua straturi.

SFAT: De obicei sunt foarte neindemanatica cand aplic rimelul si sfarsesc prin a-l intinde pe pleoape. Solutia este sa il lasati sa se usuce si dupa aceea sa folositi un betisor de urechi uscat si sa stergeti orice greseala. Daca folositi betisorul imediat dupa, cand rimelul este inca ud, o sa vedeti ca o sa il intindeti si mai rau.

And the final result. 

Although my lashes are a little clumped, I like this kind of effect. The mascara definitely made them longer and more curled. I noticed throughout the day that it did not smear at all on my lid, it is very long lasting taking into account that I napped that day and they looked exactly the same after. The second picture was taken after my nap and you can see that my lashes look the same. Also, that night, although this is very bad, I got very lazy and I fell asleep with my makeup on. The next day I still liked how my lashes looked like but during the day, the mascara did smudge on my upper and lower lid, which is very normal because no makeup product is meant to last that long.

Si rezultatul final.

Desi genele par putin incarcate, imi place aest efect. Cu siguranta acest rimel a ajutat la alungirea si curbarea genelor mele. Am observat ca pe parcursul zilei acesta nu s-a transferat pe pleoapa. Este foarte rezistent, luand in considerare faptul ca am adormit dupa-masa si rimelul arata exact la fel dupa ce m-am trezit. A doua poza este facuta dupa ce m-am trezit si puteti vedea ca nu se observa nicio diferenta. De asemenea, desi este foarte rau, in acea seara am adormit fara sa ma demachiez. Si a doua zi mi-a placut cum aratau genele. Totusi, pe parcursul acelei zile am observat ca rimelul s-a transferat pe pleoapa, dar acest lucru este perfect normal pentru ca niciun produs de machiaj nu este menit sa dureze atat de mult.

All in all, I like this product very much and I am sure that I will love it even more with each wear because I find that mascaras work best when they start to dry a little bit.

That's all for my review, I hope you found it helpful! Kisses

In concluzie, imi place foarte mult acest produs si sunt sigura ca il voi iubi din ce in ce mai mult pentru ca am observat ca rimelurile devin mai bune dupa ce incep sa se usuce putin. Cam atat pentru acest review, sper ca v-a ajutat si ca v-a placut. VA PUPPP 

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