Sunday, October 27, 2013

My Essence Collection: Primer, Eye Shadows, Eye-Liner, Blush

Hello my beautiful ones,

Today I will talk to you about some Essence products I purchased throughout this year and I will share with you my thoughts on them. Essence is a fairly cheap brand, their prices are comparable to the ELF ones. In my town, Essence products started to be commercialized for a year or so, and since then I collected some products which I will show here.

Astazi vreau sa va vorbesc despre cateva produse Essence pe care le-am achizitionat pe parcursul acestui an si o sa va impartasesc care sunt impresiile mele despre ele. Esence este o marca destul de ieftina, preturile lor sunt comparabile cu cele de la ELF. In orasul meu, produsele Essence au inceput sa fie comercializate de aproximativ un an, iar in acest timp am reusit sa adaug cateva in colectia mea de machiaje.

The first thing I bought from Essence was their primer because I wanted to see if it is comparable to my Elf one. They are both very cheap primers, around 10 RON, but I have to say that the Essence one has a few extra qualities which made me stick with it and forget about my Elf primer. First of all, it is more long-lasting, around 8 to 10 hours, which is very well for me since I have very crease-prone lids. The second bonus is the fact that the Essence primer has a tint to it, which will hide any veins or discoloration you might have on your lids, it will create a perfect canvas for your eyes shadows. Also, although they have the same amount of product in the jar, the primer from Essence lasted much longer than the primer from Elf, around 3-4 months of almost daily use. All in all, I have only good things to say about it, I repurchased it three times this year and I will definitely buy it once again.

Primul produs Essence pe care l-am cumparat a fost baza lor pentru fardul de ochi pentru ca vroiam sa vad daca este la fel sau mai buna cea de la ELF, de care eram foarte multumita. Ambele primere sunt ieftine, aproximativ 10 RON, dar trebuie sa recunosc ca baza de la Essence are cateva calitati in plus fata de cea de la Elf care m-au atras mai mult. In primul rand este mult mai rezistenta, fardurile raman intacte timp de 8-10 ore, ceea ce este foarte bine pentru mine pentru ca mereu am avut probleme cu fardurile care mi se strangeau in pliu. Al doilea bonus este faptul ca primerul Essence are o nuanta asemanatoare cu nuanta pielii, ceea ce inseamna ca va ascunde orice vinisoare sau roseata de pe pleoape. De asemenea, desi au cam acelasi gramaj, primerul de la Essence ma tine mai mult timp, in jur de 3-4 luni, in conditiile in care il folosesc aproape zilnic. Am numai lucruri bune de zis despre acest produs, l-am recumparat de trei ori in acest an si cu siguranta il voi cumpara din nou.

Let’s move on to eye shadows. I have two quads and one single eye shadow from them and so far I am very impressed with their quality. I think they are very comparable to the Sleek ones and they are much pigmented than the Elf eye shadows. Essence did a very good job when designing their shadows. Also the price is very affordable, for a quad I paid around 20 RON and for the single shadow I paid 8 RON. As you can tell from the pictures they are very pigmented and they blend very well. I also have to say that you won’t have as much fallout when putting on Essence shadows, especially if you spray your brush with a little water before packing on the color on your lid.

Sa trecem la fardurile de ochi. Am in colectia mea doua palete si un fard single de la ei si sunt foarte impresionata de calitatea lor. Mi se par foarte asemanatoare cu fardurile Sleek si, cu siguranta, sunt mult mai pigmentate si mai bune decat fardurile Elf. Essence a facut o treaba foarte buna in privinta fardurilor de ochi. De asemenea, pretul este foarte convenabil, am dat in jur de 20 de RON pentru paleta cu 4 culori, iar pentru fardul single am platit in jur de 8 RON. Puteti vedea in poze cat de pigmentate sunt. Pe langa pigmentare, se amesteca foarte bine si mi se pare ca nu pica aproape deloc pe obraz cand le aplic, mai ales daca ud putin pensula inainte sa aplic culoarea pe pleoapa.

I’ve also bought from Essence a couple Silky Touch Blushes, a pink and a middle-tone brown. I am more satisfied with the brown one, I use it to contour my cheekbones, the pink blush is too light for me so I have to pack the color very well for it to be visible on my skin. It’s a more baby-doll pink which I am sure it will look very well on a more fair-skin girl. I need a deeper pink for my skin tone. Their texture is very good, they blend very well so I have nothing to complain in this respect.

Am mai cumparat de la Essence cateva din Blush-urile lor Silky Touch, un roz si un maro. Sunt mai multumita de cel maro, pe care il folosesc pentru a-mi contura obrajorii bucalati : )), blush-ul roz este putin prea deschis pentru nuanta tenului meu si nu prea se observa cand ma dau cu el. Cu siguranta blushul roz s-ar vedea foarte bine pe un ten deschis la culoare, dar pentru mine nu prea se potriveste. In rest, textura lor este foarte buna, se aplica foarte frumos, asa ca nu am de ce sa ma plang de ele.

My least favorite product from Essence is the black liquid eye-liner. Although I like the fact that it is very long-lasting and it is a very deep black, very pigmented and all that jazz, I HATE the brush. It is very stiff, its tip it’s not pointy at all so you can’t really create a precise line and the brush is way too big for a liquid eye liner. There is no way that you can create a small, subtle line with it. It is all or nothing : )) Personally I don’t mind a more dramatic line, but I don’t like the fact that I am not able to do a straight line with it, it is always a little messy whichever technique I use. You will see in the photos I will attach that my eyeliner was a little messy, it was the best I could do with this product. I will definitely finish this product because, as I said I like the fact that it is very black and long-lasting but I don’t think that I will repurchase it any time soon.

Un produs care m-a dezamagit putin este tusul de ochi negru. Desi imi place ca este foarte rezistent, are o culoare foarte intensa de negru si este foarte pigmentat, nu imi place DELOC aplicatorul. Este foarte teapan, este mult prea mare pentru un tus de ochi, iar varful aplicatorului nu este deloc ascutit pentru a crea o linie mai subtire. Nu vad nicio modalitate pentru a face o linie mai subtila si mai micuta. Este totul sau nimic cu acest tus. Personal nu imi displace o linie mai groasa cu tusul, dar nici acea linie groasa nu o pot realiza drept pentru ca aplicatorul este mult prea mare. Veti vedea in pozele de mai jos ca nu am reusit sa creez o linie dreapta cu acest tus, oricat m-am chinuit mi-a fost imposibil. Totusi voi termina acest produs pentru ca imi place culoarea si rezistenta lui, dar nu cred ca il voi recumpara.

This is all about my Essence collection so far. What about you? Have you tried any Essence products? What are your thoughts about them?
 Here are some pictures with several looks I created using Essence products. I hope you enjoyed my post and I will talk to you soon!!! BESOSSS

Cam atat despre colectia mea Essence. Voi ati folosit vreun produs de la ei? Ce parere aveti despre ele?
Va atasez cateva poze cu machiaje pentru care am folosit produse Essence. Sper ca v-a placut aceasta postare!!! V-am pupatttttt.

All the colors used for this makeup are from this Essence quad. 

I've also used Essence products for this makeup look :

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