Tuesday, December 31, 2013

NEW YEAR'S EVE: 2 Makeup Looks using Sleek Vintage Romance Palette

Hello babes,

First of all I want to wish you a Happy New Yearrrrrrrr and may all your wishes come true!! For this special ocassion I wanted to show you two different makeup looks using a very affordable palette from Sleek. The first makeup look is focused on the eyeshadows, which are pretty dramatic, and the second one is focused on the false lashes and dark lips. Here we go:

Buna fetelorrrr,

In primul rand vreau sa va urez un an nou fericit si sa aveti parte de tot ce va doriti in 2014!! Pentru aceasta ocazie speciala am vrut sa va ofer doua optiuni de machiaj al ochilor, folosind o singura paleta de la Sleek. Primul machiaj este cu accent pe farduri mai inchise la culoare, iar pentru al doilea am pus accent pe gene false si pe ruj.

1. Gold & Purple Smokey Eyes

Firstly I lined the lower and the upper rims of my eyes with a black eye liner. Then I applied a reddish-brown shadow in the crease to have a guideline and to know where to stop with applying the darker colors. I applied the colors on my lid as you can see in the second picture and I blended them with a clean fluffy brush. Lastly, I lined my eyes with a black liquid liner and I applied the dark purple on my lower lid. And that's pretty much all I did. For lips I used a pale pink because I wanted my eyes to stand out. 

Pentru inceput am folosit un creion negru pe linia apei. Apoi am aplicat un fard caramiziu in pliul ochiuli. Pe pleoapa am asezat fardurile asa cum puteti vedea din a doua poza. Am amestecat foarte bine culorile folosind o pensula curata. In final am aplicat un tus negru, iar pe ploapa inferioara am folosit fardul inchis la culoare. Si cam atat pentru primul machiaj. Buzele le-am pastrat mai naturale, am folosit un roz pal.


This makeup look is even more easy to achieve. I applied a very light grey shadow on the inner half part of my lid and on the outer half I applied the darker grey shade. I blended everything together with the brown color. I applied a pair of false lashes from Red Cherry which are very easy to apply and they look quite natural, therefore I didn't have to apply a liquid eye-liner on top to hide the eyelash band. I looove them. On my lips I used my Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss in 107. 

Acest machiaj este chiar mai simplu de realizat. Am folosit un gri foarte deschis in jumatatea interioara a pleoapei iar in partea exterioara am folosit un gri foarte inchis. Am amestecat cele doua culori folosind maro-ul din paleta. Am plicat o pereche de gene false Red Cherry care sunt foarte usor de aplicat si arata destul de natural asa ca nu am fost nevoita sa aplic tus pentru a ascunde banda genelor. Le adooooor. Pe buze am folosit rujul Rimmel Lasting Finish by Kate Moss in nr. 107.

That's all, I hope you liked my makeup looks and I'll see you next yearrrr :D

Acestea sunt propunerile mele pentru machiajul de Revelion. Sper ca v-a placut si ne vedem la anullllll :D

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

LIEBSTER AWARD (questions & answers)

Hello loves,

I've been nominateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed !!!! I was so excited when I received a comment from http://rolessummerfling.blogspot.ro saying that she nominated me for Liebster Award. Thank you very much Karolina, I am veryyy happy that you like my blog. 

This award is for newbie bloggers (under 200 followers) who have great potential. The rules are very simple:

  1. You have to say who nominated you with a link to their blog.
  2. Answer the 11 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  3. You have to name 11 bloggers you like and create 11 questions for them.
Here are Karolina's questions and my answers:

1)How you imagine your blog after three years?
2)Why did you start this blog?
3)Who is your favorite blogger?
4)Five things you would take to deserted island.
5)Your must have beauty and fashion items.
6)Your dream job.
7)If you could visit anywhere in he world,where would it be?
8)What is your biggest fear?
9)What is your biggest dream?
10)What are your New Year resolutions?
11)What would you wish for other bloggers?

  1. I hope that I will manage to expand the number of my viewers and that I will catch your guys’ attention with interesting posts.
  2. Well, first of all my love for makeup and the fact that I wanted to do something about it made me do it. I’ve been obsessed with reading beauty blogs and subscribing to youtube beauty channels and since I loved it so much I thought that maybe I could give it a try. It was very hard for me because I am a pretty shy person and I didn’t know how to start it, I postponed my first blog post as long as I could but finally I did it. And I’m very gladddddd.
  3. My favorite blogger has to be Kandee Johnson. She always cheers me up with her personality.
  4. Well, clothes I guess, books to entertain myself, coffeeeeeeeee, some makeup and my phone which I will charge with good intentions :))
  5. In terms of beauty I would pick a very good foundation. Fashion wise I like big accessories.
  6. Makeup Artist for sure.
  7. America, any part of it.
  8. Ghosts, man!!!!
  9. I don’t know, I guess my biggest dream is happiness.
  10.  I want to be more self-confident, I want to get a job & maybe moving to a different city. I want to make some changes in my life.
  11. Lots of followerssss. 
I tag these blogs for Liebster Award:


My questions for you:

1. When did you start your blog?
2. What country are you from? 
3. Name one makeup product which instantly makes you feel glamorous.
4. Mascara or eyeliner?
5. On what makeup product you splurge the most?
6. Which is your favorite makeup brand?
7. Define your personality in three words.
8. Who is your favorite actor?
9. Do you like to read books? If so, name three books you liked the most.
10. Who is your favorite youtube beauty guru?
11. Your favorite song of the moment?

That's all, please don't stop the chain gurls. Love youuu and I'll talk to you soon! 

Friday, December 20, 2013


Hello girls,

Today I’m back with a new product review and this time I decided to try out the Rimmel Kate Moss Lipsticks because, as I said before, I heard great things about them. Also, I’ve been obsessed with lip products lately I don’t know what’s wrong with me, last month I was obsessing over foundations, this month over lipsticks. I really wanted a perfect nude and a deep, wine color lipstick. Now I want a plum and a lilac one... Story of my lifeeeeee! I ended up picking three lipsticks from the Lasting Finish by Kate Moss collection, a regular one and two mattes.

Astazi m-am intors cu un nou review iar de aceasta data am decis sa incerc rujurile Rimmel Kate Moss pentru ca, asa cum am spus si alta data, am auzit lucruri foarte bune despre ele. Pe langa asta, in ultima luna am fost obsedata de rujuri, mi le-as cumpara pe toate :)) Luna trecuta eram innebunita dupa fonduri de ten, luna aceasta dupa rujuri… Chiar imi doream un ruj nude si unul visiniu. Intr-un final am cumparat trei rujuri din gama Lasting Finish by Kate Moss, unul normal si doua mate. Daca doriti sa cumparati oricare din aceste rujuri sau altele, am gasit promotii foarte bune pe acest site: http://www.1001cosmetice.ro/produse/ruj .De aici mi-am cumparat mai multe produse, mi se pare un site foarte bun. De asemenea, am vazut ca si prin DM sunt promotii la acest rujuri, cam la acelasi pret de pe site.

Now, let’s see how they look like and which colors I picked up. I will also show you how long lasting these lipsticks are:

Acum sa vedem cum arata, ce culori mi-am ales eu si cat de rezistente sunt:

I. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss MATTE Lipstick 

 I have to mention that after 3 hours I had lunch,that's probably why the lipstick started to wear off. Also, throughout these hours I drank coffee & water. 

Trebuie sa mentionez ca dupa 3 ore am mancat de pranz, de aceea rujul s-a luat putin. De asemenea, pe parcursul acestor ore am baut cafea si apa.

II. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss MATTE Lipstick 

I absolutely loveeeeeeeee this color, it's gorgeoussssssss, exactly what I wanted!!!

Pur si simplu ador aceasta culoare, este exact ce mi-am dorit!!!!

This time I couldn't show you step-by-step how the lipstick looked like because I went out to dinner but when I got home I was very pleased with how it stained my lips, they weren't dry and I still liked them, although the lipstick wasn't as vibrant as before.

De aceasta data nu am mai putut sa va arat din ora in ora cum  arata rujul pentru ca am iesit in oras, dar cand m-am intors acasa am fost foarte multumita cu felul in care aratau buzele mele, nu le simteam uscate si rujul, desi nu mai era la fel de pigmentat ca la inceput, tot se mai putea vedea pe buze.

III. Rimmel London Lasting Finish by Kate Moss Lipstick 

I love this color and, unlike the other two lipsticks, this one has a very nice smell. I wish the other ones had it too. I didn't do the 'lasting-experiment' with this lipstick because you can't really tell from the photos how well a nude lipstick lasts on the lips, that's why I chose to make the experiment with the darker colors. Nonetheless, this lipstick is pretty long-lasting too, maybe not like the matte ones, but for 3 to 4 hours I don't have any problems with it.

Imi place foarte mult aceasta culoare si, spre deosebire de celelalte doua rujuri, acesta are un miros foarte placut care persista foarte mult. Mi-ar fi placut ca si celelalte sa miroasa la fel de bine. Nu am facut experiment cu acest ruj pentru ca nu se vede foarte bine in poze cat de bine rezista un ruj nude, de aceea am preferat sa va arat cum se comporta celelalte rujuri mai inchise la culoare. Totusi, si acesta este destul de rezistent, poate nu la fel ca celelate, dar 3-4 ore nu am probleme cu el.

Conclusions/ Concluzii

Pro's/ Aspecte pozitive

- amazing pigmentation / -pigmentare incredibila

- long lasting but withoug drying too much your lips / -sunt foarte rezistente fara a usca foarte tare buzele

- cute packaging / -ambalaj dragut

- great quality / -calitate excelenta

- extremely low price for their quality / -pret extrem de mic pentru calitatea lor (am dat in jur de 12 lei pe cele mate si 17 lei pe cel normal)

- smooth application, they glide on very well / -aplicarea lor este foarte usoara

- great smell (the one in the black tube) / -miros placut (doar pentru cel din tubuletul negru)

- when they start to wear off they don't become flaky, they stain your lips / -cand incep sa se ia de pe buze nu se vede urat, buzele raman patate cu o culoare uniforma.


- the smell of chemicals (only with the matte ones)- I personaly don't mind it but some people might. 

-mirosul de chimicale (doar pentru cele mate)- pe mine nu ma deranjeaza acest aspect dar stiu ca sunt persoane care nu suporta acest miros.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

HOW TO: Contour & Highlight

Hi girls

Today I want to show you how I add definition to my face by highlighting and contouring my complexion. I don't use this technique daily but I when I have time I like to contour and highlight in this manner because I think it makes a huge difference. And it's also pretty easy, you need two shades of foundation (one that matches your skintone and one which is two-three shades darker- here's a use for that summer foundation which is way darker now, when your tan has faded away). If you want a more defined look, you will need a highlighting and bronzing powder to add even more definition.

Astazi vreau sa va arat cum imi conturez si imi iluminez fata. Nu folosesc aceasta tehnica zilnic dar cand am timp imi place sa urmez acesti pasi pentru ca mi se pare ca arata foarte bine si se vede o diferenta destul de mare. Este destul de simplu, aveti nevoie de doua nuante de fond de ten ( una care se potriveste nuantei tenului vostru si una mai inchisa la culoare- cu aceasta ocazie puteti folosi fondul de ten din vara pe care nu il mai puteti aplica pe toata fata pentru ca este prea inchis). Daca doriti sa aveti si mai multa definire, mai aveti nevoie de o pudra iluminatoare si un bronzer.

This is how my bare face looks like:
Asa arata fata mea fara fond de ten:

And this is my creppy face :))
I apply the lighter foundation in the center, and the darker one on the sides of my forehead, the sides of my nose, my cheekbones and my jawline.

Si aceasta este fata mea de sperietoare :))
Am aplicat fondul de ten mai deschis pe centrul fetei, iar cel inchis pe tample, pe lateralele nasului, pe obraji si pe linia maxilarului.

I used these foundations:

Am folosit aceste fonduri de ten:
Revlon Colorstay (Buff) & Yves Rocher Flawless Finish Fluid Foundation (Beige 400)

I use two foundation brushes to blend each foundation out so that they don't mix too much and you end up with one color all over your face because that's not the point here.

Am folosit doua pensule de fond de ten pentru a-mi intinde produsul pe fata pentru ca daca as fi folosit doar o pensula as fi sfarsit prin a amesteca prea mult culorile intre ele si nu s-ar mai fi vazut diferenta de nuanta intre ele.

If you want, you can apply a translucent powder all over your face to set the foundations but I don't really need it, especially because the Revlon Colorstay foundation has a very matte finish. But if you have oily skin you might need to set everything with a powder.
To add some extra-definition I added a highlighter (1) and a bronzer (2).

Daca doriti, puteti aplica o pudra translucida pe toata fata daca aveti tenul mai gras, dar eu nu am nevoie, mai ales ca fondul de ten de la Revlon este foarte mat.
Pentru mai multa definire am folosit un iluminator (1) si un bronzer (2).

And this is the final result:

Iar acesta este rezultatul final: 

Sunday, December 8, 2013

BEAUTY FAVORITES: Fall and Winter edition

Hello loves,

I thought that it would be fun to show you which are my favorite products for the cold seasons. I hope you'll like it and feel free to leave me a comment with your favorite products for fall and winter, I would love to hear back from you. Kisses

M-am gandit sa va arat care sunt produsele mele favorite pentru anotimpurile reci. Sper sa va placa si sper sa imi lasati comentarii in care sa imi spuneti care sunt produsele voastre preferate, mi-ar placea foarte mult sa stiu ce produse folositi voi. V-am pupat.

Foundation / Fond de ten

My Bourjois Healthy Mix Foundation is my holy grail but in the last couple of months I used the Rimmel Wake Me Up foundation and I do like it very much.

Desi fondul de ten Healthy Mix de la Bourjois este preferatul meu din toate timpurile, in ultimele luni l-am folosit pe cel Wake me up de la Rimmel si imi place foarte mult.

Powder / Pudra

I don’t use powder on a regular basis but when I do want to have a matte face I reach out to my Elf Pressed Powder (Buff), it’s very light-weight and it doesn't have that porcelain, fake finish.

De obicei nu folosesc pudra dar atunci cand vreau o fata mata imi place sa folosesc pudra de la Elf in nuanta Buff pentru ca este foarte usoara si nu imi incarca deloc tenul.

Primer/ Baza de machiaj

I don’t use a face primer because I don’t feel like a need it, but when it comes to eye-primer, this whole year I used the Essence I love stage eyeshadow base. LOOOOVE IT.

Nu folosesc un primer pentru fata pentru ca nu mi se pare ca as avea nevoie, dar cand vine vorba de primer pentru ochi, preferatul meu este I love stage de la Essence.


I am not much of a blush fan. I usually use the Essence Silky Touch blush.

Nu folosesc foarte des blush. Imi place totusi blush-ul Silky Touch de la Essence.


ELF Warm Bronzer (Warm), you can see from the photo how much I loved it.

ELF Warm Bronzer (Warm). Puteti vedea din poza cat de mult imi place acest produs.


Rimmel Wake me up Concelear is my fav one, you can see what I think about it here: http://florentina-irina.blogspot.ro/2013/11/review-rimmel-wake-me-up-concealer.html

Highlight / Iluminator

Sleek Face Contour Kit (Light)

Moisturizer / Crema de fata

Nivea Crème moisturizer is very good for the cold seasons because it’s very thick and moisturizing. I like to apply it at night so that my skin has time to absorb it and it works perfectly.

Crema de la Nivea este foarte buna pentru anotimpurile reci pentru ca este foarte hranitoare. Imi place sa o aplic seara, inainte de culcare, iar a doua zi pielea mea arata foarte bine.

Lipgloss/ Luciu de buze

I recently got addicted to NYX’s Soft Matte Lip Cream in Antwerp. They really are as good as they say.

In ultimul timp am devenit dependenta de Lip Cream-urile de la NYX, al meu este in nuanta Antwerp si intradevar sunt extrem de bune. De abia astept sa incerc si alte nuante <3

Lipstick / Ruj

Beauty UK Lipstick in Vampire, a blue-toned red lipstick perfect for any occasion.

Eye shadow Quad / Paleta de farduri

It’s really hard for me to choose one favorite quad because I like all the eye shadow palettes from Sleek. But if I have to pick one it will be the Oh So Special quad, based on the fact that I’ve hit pan on almost all the colors from it.

Este destul de greu sa aleg o singura paleta pentru ca imi plac toate de la Sleek, sunt foarte calitative. Totusi o aleg pe cea Oh So Special pentru ca am folosit-o cel mai mult, dupa cum se poate observa mai am foarte putin din farduri.

Mascara/ Rimel

Nail Polish / Oja

Maybelline Colorama (No 15), you can never go wrong with a red nail polish.

Perfume / Parfum

For autumn and winter I like Chanel No 19, it’s a very strange-smelling perfume, you either love it or hate it. I hate it for summer, but for the cold weather it’s very nice.

Pentru toamna si iarna imi place Chanel No 19, este un parfum pe care ori il iubesti ori il urasti, are un miros foarte aparte. De exemplu, pentru vara nu imi place deloc acest parfum, dar pentru toamna si iarna mi se pare foarte potrivit.

Favorite Makeup Brand / Marca de machiaj preferata

I must say that I am impressed with Rimmel London’s high-quality products. I love their mascara, foundation, concealer and I heard great things about their lipsticks too, especially the Kate Moss line, I really think that Rimmel stepped up their game this year. Congrats to them. In terms of eye shadows, my all time favorite is Sleek.

Trebuie sa recunosc ca anul acesta am fost foarte imprestionata de Rimmel London si de calitatea produselor lor. Imi place foarte mult rimelul lor, dar si fondul de ten si anticearcanul. De asemenea, am auzit lucruri foarte frumoase despre rujurile lor, mai ales cele din gama Kate Moss. Felicitari celor de la Rimmel pentru un an foarte productiv. In materie de farduri de ochi, preferatele mele sunt cele de la Sleek.

Friday, December 6, 2013

REVIEW: Rimmel Lash Accelerator Mascara

Hello loves, 

Today I'm back with a new review on a product I've been wanting for quite some time, the Lash Accelerator Mascara from Rimmel. This mascara is one of the most expensive ones from Rimmel but I found it on a site http://www.1001cosmetice.ro/produs/rimmel-london-lash-accelerator-mascara for almost half the price so I couldn't resist the temptation. I also found it on aoro.ro but I read mixed reviews about that site so I didn't want to risk it. By the way, if you are familiar with http://www.aoro.ro/ please let me know what you think about it. 

Astazi m-am intors cu un nou review al unui produs pe care mi l-am dorit de ceva timp, rimelul Lash Accelerator de la Rimmel. Acest rimel este unul dintre cele mai scumpe de la Rimmel London dar l-am gasit pe acest site http://www.1001cosmetice.ro/produs/rimmel-london-lash-accelerator-mascara la aproape jumatate de pret, asa ca nu am putut sa rezist tentatiei. L-am vazut si pe aoro.ro dar am citit comentarii negative in legatura cu acest site asa ca nu am vrut sa risc. Apropo, daca ati comandat vreodata de pe  http://www.aoro.ro/ sau ati auzit ceva despre el va rog sa imi spuneti ce parere aveti despre el.

Enough with my rambling, let's move on to the actual review. As I said before, I have the worst eyelashes and I want something to make them more voluminous. I also want something that won't transfer on my lids because I hate it when my mascara smudges all over my eyeshadows and when I try to remove it, it also removes my shadows #angryyyy. 

Sa trecem la review. Asa cum am mai spus, am niste gene foarte urate si imi doresc ca rimelul sa le faca mai voluminoase. De asemena, rimelul meu ideal ar trebui sa reziste la transfer si sa nu mi se intinda pe pleoape pentru ca urascccccc cand mi se intinde mascara peste fardul de ochi si cand incerc sa o sterg se ia cu tot cu fard.

As you can see from the photo this mascara has quite a small brush which is very convenient especially for the lower lashes. I believe this mascara to be veryyyyy good, it separates my lashes very well with only one coat, they are more voluminous and curled, even if I don't use an eyelash curler. I usually use 2 to 3 coats because, as I said, my eyelashes are really crappy, but if you have nice lashes you will be good to go with just one coat. Apart from the fact that I like the effect of this mascara, I absolutely love the fact that it is very long-lasting, I mean reallyyyyy long-lasting. And it's not like other mascaras which last a long time but when you want to remove it you need to use a very good makeup-remover or a waterproof makeup-remover.
This mascara doesn't smudge even after three days of not removing it. I did an experiment with it in the weekend, I wore it for three straight days and it looked exactly the same all the time. It's a very bad thing to do but this comes to show how good it is in terms of its longevity.

Cum puteti vedea din poza, periuta acestui rimel este destul de subtire si micuta, ceea ce este foarte convenabil, mai ales pentru genele inferioare. Aceasta mascara mi se pare foarteeeee bunaaa, separa si ofera volum genelor cu un singur strat, ajuta si la curbarea lor chiar daca nu folosesc un intorcator de gene. De obicei ma dau cu acest rimel in 2-3 straturi pentru ca v-am spus ca genele mele sunt aproape inexistente, dar daca voi aveti gene frumoase, un singur strat este de ajuns. Pe langa faptul ca imi place efectul oferit de acest rimel, sunt absolut indragostita de rezistenta lui pe gene. Este extrem de rezistent, nu am intalnit pana acum un rimel care sa arate impecabil chiar si dupa 3 zile in care nu mi-am demachiat ochii. Am facut un experiment in weekend, am purtat acest rimel pentru 3 zile si am observat ca genele mele au aratat la fel pe tot parcursul weekend-ului. Stiu ca nu este bine sa fac asa ceva dar am vrut sa vad cat de rezistent este acest rimel si am ramas foarte impresionata.

All in all, I absolutely love this mascara and I will definitely buy it again because it's one of my favvvvvvvvvvs! 

In concluzie, iubesc la nebunie acest rimel si cu siguranta il voi recumpara pentru ca este unul din favoritele mele!

I used this mascara in these photos too:

Am folosit acest rimel si in aceste poze: