Saturday, November 23, 2013


Hello girls,

As promised, I am back with my thoughts on the Wake Me Up Foundation because I've been testing it for the past 4-5 days and I was able to see if I really like it or not. In this post I will show you which are the best ways to apply this foundation, its longevity, coverage and my overall impression on it. So let's start loves!

Asa cum v-am promis, m-am intors pentru a va impartasi impresiile mele legate de fondul de ten Rimmel Wake Me Up pentru ca il testez de vreo 4-5 zile si am reusit sa imi fac o parere despre el. In aceasta postare o sa va arat care sunt cele mai bune metode de aplicare ale acestui fond de ten, puterea lui de acoperire, rezistenta etc. 

What it claims to do?
Wake Up & Glow! Rimmel’s first liquid foundation that instantly reawakens skin with a healthy, radiant glow
Light, moisturising texture applies smoothly and leaves skin feeling soft and comfortable all day
Gives an instant flawless, natural-looking finish
Visible anti-fatigueeffect with peptides and a Vitamin Moisturising complex

What it actually does?


This description is very accurate because the first thing that you will notice about this foundation is that it gives your skin a very nice glow. I personally like this kind of finish, I am not much into a matte finish, especially during the day. If you swatch this foundation on your hand you will notice that it has very small particles of sparkle which will give you that healthy glow. 

♥ Another good thing about this foundation is that it has SPF 15 which is always a great bonus in a foundation.

♥ The glass bottle is very well-made which makes it look like a high-end product. I also love that it has a pump.

♥ Very affordable price for its quality. In Romania it is around 7-8 $ when it's on sale. Its full price ranges from 10 to 15 $.

♥ It has a wide range of colors, mine is in 103 True Ivory and it matches me perfectly.

♥ This foundation looks the same if it is applied with a brush or with my hands, although I prefer a flat top brush for applying it because I got used to this technique.


♣ I don't know how this foundation would look on an oily skin because I have normal to dry skin and I always have to set it with a powder which I don't normally do with other foundations. I'm afraid this foundation is not suitable for oily skins.

 It has a light to medium coverage. It can get cakey if you apply too much product. If you want to build its coverage you have to apply a little at a time.

♣ It is not very long-lasting. After 4-5 hours of wear it becomes pretty heavy on the skin and I can't wait to remove it.

All in all, I like this foundation for the effect it gives me because it reminds me of my favorite foundation Bourjois Healthy Mix but the difference between them is that the Rimmel one is not long-lasting. I will probably not purchase this foundation again because I want to try other foundations too but I like it nonetheless. I will post a few pictures I took throughout this week to show you how this foundation looks in flash-pictures and in natural light. See you soon, kissesssssssss !

Ce pretinde ca face?

Fondul de Ten Wake Me Up de la Rimmel London este primul fond de ten lichid de la Rimmel ce reimprospateaza pielea instantaneu, conferindu-i un aspect sanatos si o stralucire radianta.
Textura usoara, fina, se omogenizeaza usor, acoperind porii 100% pentru un aspect natural, fara cusur. Factorul de protecţie solara 15 te protejeaza de razele nocive ale soarelui pentru o stralucire naturala. Formula cu peptide ajuta la cresterea elasticitatii pielii, iar complexul de vitamine hidrateaza pielea, astfel tu vei radia, vei arata mai tanara si mai putin obosita, chiar daca corpul tau se simte obosit.

Descopera somnul de frumusete in sticluta, de la Rimmel London!

Ce face de fapt?

Aspecte pozitive

♥ Primul lucru pe care il veti observa la acest fond de ten este ca ofera un efect de luminozitate ceea ce mie imi place foarte mult. Nu ma dau in vant dupa un fond de ten matifiant, poate si pentru ca am tenul uscat, dar imi place foarte mult ca tenul meu sa radieze si sa arate sanatos. Daca o sa va aplicati acest fond de ten pe mana si va uitati atent la el in lumina naturala o sa vedeti ca are niste particule stralucitoare care ofera acest aspect luminos.

 ♥ Are SPF 15 ceea ce este foarte bine pentru tenul nostru.

♥ Are un ambalaj foarte dragut si are o pompita

Pretul este foarte avantajos. Eu l-am luat cu 25 de lei pentru ca era la reducere, pretul intreg fiind undeva in jur de 35-40 de lei.

Are o paleta variata de culori. Nuanta mea e in 103 True Ivory si este perfecta pentru tenul meu.

Acest fond de ten arata la fel daca este aplicat cu o pensula sau cu mainile, desi prefer sa il aplic cu o pensula pentru fond de ten pentru ca m-am obisnuit asa.

Aspecte negative

♣ Nu stiu cum ar arata acest fond de ten pe un ten gras pentru ca eu, desi am tenul normal spre uscat, trebuie sa folosesc tot timpul pudra peste acest fond de ten. Cred ca acest fond de ten nu este potrivit pentru tenul gras. 

♣ Are o acoperire mica spre medie. Daca aplicati prea mult produs deodata o sa arate foarte cakey, trebuie aplicat in straturi foarte subtiri daca vreti o acoperire mai mare.

Nu rezista foarte mult. Dupa 4-5 ore devine foarte greu pe ten si de abia astept sa ma demachiez. 

In concluzie, imi place acest fond de ten pentru ca ofera un efect de luminozitate si imi aduce aminte de fondul meu de ten preferat Bourjois Healthy Mix, doar ca cel de la Rimmel nu rezista foarte mult. Probabil nu voi recumpara acest fond de ten pentru ca vreau sa incerc si altele, dar il voi folosi cu placere. O sa va arat acum cateva poze pe care le-am facut in aceste zile pentru a vedea cum se vede acest fond de ten in poze cu flash si in lumina naturala. Va puppppppppp!

       WITH FLASH                                                                               NO FLASH   


Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Hello girls, 

A while back I purchased the Wake me up concealer from Rimmel and a few days ago I decided to take advantage of the new holidays-season discounts and buy the Wake me up Foundation. I was persuaded into buying them by one of my favorites beauty gurus from Youtube because she swears by them and I bought many products recommended by her and they were great.
First of all I have to say that I have normal to dry skin and if I don't moisturize every day I get very dry patches around my nose and on my forehead which makes it a pain in the ... bum to apply foundation. I rarely use a powder because I don't get oily in my T-zone unless I wear the foundation for a really long time or if it is very hot outside. Also, I don't have very bad under-eye bags. With all this being said, in this blog post I will share my thoughts on the Rimmel Concealer because I have a longer experience with it since it is my baby for almost six months. I will make a full review on the Wake Me Up Foundation in a few days because I want to test it a little more in order to give you an accurate review.

Acum ceva timp am cumparat anticearcanul Rimmel Wake Me Up, iar zilele trecute am decis sa profit de reducerile de sarbatori si sa imi cumpar si fondul de ten Wake Me Up. Am fost convinsa sa imi cumpar aceste produse de una din fetele pe care le urmaresc pe Youtube, care este foarte multumita de aceste produse si mereu are lucruri frumoase de spus despre ele. Am cumparat mai multe produse recomandate de ea si au fost foarte bune.
Trebuie sa mentionez ca tenul meu este normal spre uscat, iar daca nu folosesc in fiecare zi o crema hidratanta, pielea mea devine foarte uscata, mai ales in jurul nasului si pe frunte, ceea ce face ca fondul de ten sa arate oribil pentru ca imi accentueaza acele portiuni uscate. De obicei nu folosesc pudra pentru ca nu prea mi se ingrasa tenul decat daca port fondul de ten pentru o perioada foarte lunga de timp sau daca este foarte cald afara. De asemenea, nu am cearcane foarte pronuntate. Cu toate acestea fiind spuse, in aceasta postare va voi impartasi impresiile mele legate de anticearcanul Wake Me Up pentru ca il am de aproximativ 6 luni si am avut timp sa imi fac o parere despre el. O sa fac un review si fondului de ten in cateva zile pentru ca nu am vrut sa ma grabesc. Il am doar de cateva zile asa ca o sa il mai testez pentru a face un review cat mai bun.

I used this concealer in several videos, you can see how it looks on my skin in the following tutorials: 

Am folosit acest concealer in cateva videoclipuri, puteti vedea cum arata pe tenul meu in urmatoarele tutoriale:  (min 8:15)  (min 3:33)

When I first tried this concealer I did not like it at all. It seemed to me that it didn't show up at all on my skin and it didn't make any difference, it was as if I did not use any concelear. I was very dissapointed because I heard good things about it and everybody seemed to love it. My mistake was that every time I tried to work with this product I used a brush to blend it out, which didn't work because the brush actually rubbed the product off of my face, whereas when I used my fingers to dab the product onto my skin there was a huge difference because your fingers will actually warm up the product and it will blend better. You have to be patient and carrefully blend the product with a very light hand and you will see that it works very well. 

This is a light to medium-coverage concealer but it gives a very nice highlighting effect to the under-eye area and that's why I use this product on the bridge of my nose and on my forehead to highlight those areas too. Because it is so light it doesn't set into my fine lines around my eyes and I noticed that it works best if I don't apply powder to set it.

Prima data cand am folosit acest anticearcan am fost foarte dezamagita de el. Mi se parea ca nu se vede nicio diferenta, era ca si cum nu imi dadusem cu nimic pe fata. Nu imi venea sa cred pentru ca citisem foarte multe review-uri despre el si toata lumea parea sa fie indragostita de acest produs. Problema era ca il aplicam gresit, mereu foloseam o pensula, iar aceasta imi stergea practic produsul de pe fata. Am descoperit ca, folosind degetele pentru a aplica produsul prin miscari de tapotare, nu numai ca incalzeste produsul si il face sa alunece mai usor, dar il face sa acopere mult mai bine anticearcanele si sa lumineze zona ochilor. 

Are o acoperire mica spre medie dar ofera un efect foarte frumos de luminozitate, de aceea il aplic atat in zona de sub ochi, cat si pe nas si frunte. Pentru ca are o consistenta asa usoara, nu imi accentueaza liniile fine din jurul ochilor si am observat ca acest produs arata cel mai bine cand nu imi aplic pudra.

On the Rimmel site, the description for this concealer is the following:

Rimmel's first full coverage concealer  - definitely not full coverage 
Instant anti-fatigue effect with peptides and vitamin moisturising complex. - true
Visibly reawakens and illuminates under the eyes. -true
Completely conceals spots and other blemishes. -it hides spots and blemishes but it doesn't conceal them completely.

Pe site-ul Rimmel, acest produs este descris astfel: 

Corectorul lichid Wake Me Up ascunde cearcanele vizibile, avand un efect anti-oboseala. -adevarat
In plus, textura sa fina confera luminozitate instantanee. -adevarat

Dupa cum se poate observa, descrierea de pe site-ul din Romania este mai putin pompoasa si, din punctul meu de vedere, mai corecta si mai exacta cu privire la ce face in realitatea produsul.

Here are some photos with this concealer applied on my hand:

Cateva poze cu acest anticearcan aplicat pe mana: 

with flash

natural light

All in all, I like it very much because I did not want a concealer that hides very well blemishes or spots, I wanted something to highlight and conceal a little bit the area under my eyes. If you like these characteristics I encourage you to buy this product because you will love it too. I hope you found this helpfull and stay tunned for the Wake Me Up Foundation Review. 

In concluzie sunt foarte multumita de acest produs pentru ca nu imi doream un anticearcan care sa imi acopere foarte bine imperfectiunile, ci unul care sa imi lumineze zona ochilor si sa imi acopere cat de cat cearcanele. Daca si voi va doriti aceste lucruri atunci va recomand acest produs, pentru ca o sa va placa foarte mult. Sper ca gasiti acest Review folositor si ne auzim in urmatoarea postare despre fondul de ten Wake Me Up.

Friday, November 15, 2013

MIDNIGHT BLUE makeup tutorial

Hello girls,

In this blog post I will show you how to create a very deep blue smokey eye makeup. I used very few products and you will see that it is fairly simple to achieve this look. 

In aceasta postare va voi arata cum sa realizati un machiaj foarte indraznet folosind diferite nuante de albastru. Am folosit putine produse si veti vedea ca este destul de simplu sa creati acest look.

1. For the shadows to be very vibrant I used a turqouise eye-liner all over my lid as a base for the shades I will apply later.

Pentru ca fardurile sa fie foarte vizibile am folosit un creion de ochi turcoaz pe toata pleoapa ca baza pentru fardurile pe care le voi aplica mai tarziu.

2. I applied on the inner half of my lid a light blue and on the outter half a very deep navy color.I blended the colors together. 

Am aplicat un albastru deschis in  coltul intern al ochiului, iar in exterior am aplicat un albastru foarte inchis, avand grija sa le amestec foarte bine intre ele.

3. I highlighted this intense makeup by using a very light shade on the brow-bone and in my inner eye-corner.

 Am iluminat machiajul prin folosirea unui fard foarte deschis pe arcada si in coltul intern al ochiului.

4. I used the same colors for the lower-lash, in the same order: light color, light blue, deep blue.

Am folosit pe pleoapa inferioara aceleasi culori, in aceeasi ordine: fardul foarte deschis, albastrul deschis si albastrul inchis.

5. Finally, I lined my eyes creating a very dramatic cat-eye.

La sfarsit mi-am conturat ochii realizand un efect de 'cat-eye'.

And this is the final look <3