Wednesday, February 5, 2014

MAKEUP TUTORIAL: Purple Eyes & Nude Lips

Hello babeeeeees,

It's time for a Makeup tutorial, showing you step by step what I did in order to create a very dark purple makeup. You know that I have an obsession with purple eyeshadows, I think it complements my eye-color nicely, so I felt like playing with some black and purple shadows.

Things you need:
- Scotch-tape,
- Eyeshadows: black, purple and white
- Black eye liner
-Black Mascara

Buna fetelorrrr,

A venit timpul sa va arat pas cu pas cum am realizat machiajul de astazi. Stiti ca am o obsesie cu fardurile mov pentru ca mi se pare ca merg foarte bine cu nuanta ochilor mei, asa ca o sa va arat cum m-am jucat cu aceste culori si ce mi-a iesit. 

Aveti nevoie de:
- Scotch
- Farduri: negru, mov si alb
- Creion de ochi negru
- Rimel negru

1. Apply a black shadow on your lid and blend it out using a purple shadow.

Aplicati un fard negru pe pleoapa si estompati-l folosind un fard mov si o pensula pufoasa.

2. Repeat Step 1 to intensify the colors and blend them again using a clean brush.

Repetati pasul 1 pentru a intensifica culorile si estompati-le din nou folosing o pensula curata.

3. Highlight the brow bone and the inner eye-corner using a white matte shadow.

Luminati arcada si coltul intern al ochiului folosind un fard mat alb. 

After that, you can remove the scotch tape because we are done with applying shadows on the upper lid and your makeup should look like this:

Dupa aceea puteti scoate scotch-ul pentru ca am terminat cu aplicarea fardurilor pe pleoapa superioara si ar trebui ca machiajul sa arate cam asa: 

4. Apply a black liner on your water line and smudge it on the lower lid using a purple shade. Lastly, use a black mascara or false eyelashes if you want something even more dramatic.

Aplicati creionul negru pe linia apei si aplicati un fard mov pe pleoapa inferioara. La sfarsit folositi un rimel negru sau gene false daca doriti ceva si mai dramatic.

Here are some photos with the final look. On my lips I used Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick in 03.

Machiajul este gata. Pe buze am folosit rujul Rimmel Lasting Finish in nuanta 03.